The novel

The story

When thoughts and emotions are matched deeply and simultaneously, a link is formed making it possible to dive into the mind of another.

Silvia Maxson starts her last year of high school in an international school in Tallinn, Estonia. Unbeknownst to her, the students in her class have been chosen to secretly develop the ability and tasked with bringing each other in one by one. As their experiences, personalities, and mental health struggles combine, will they find a way to exist together or spiral downwards into lethal imagination?

Coming soon at


Barnes & Nobles


The Author

Flipping Static arose from my experience living in Tallinn as a teenager. The places the characters go are real and reflect my own fascination with the city as I explored it through my American eyes. I transformed my classmates’ favorite secret bar into a place where thoughts are visualized, our school became a palace, and our connections inspired telepathic drama.